For a systems programming language, Rust is surprisingly expressive. Enough so, one can encode image synthesis and processing routines in a delightfully functional way.

When learning a new programming language, it's common for developers to have a familiar problem they solve to kick the tires of the language. For me, it's typically some variation of Conal Elliot & company's Pan library for image synthesis and processing. Pan was originally implemented in Haskell and there's a Functional Images chapter in the Fun of Programming book that describes some of the core concepts, primitives and abstractions in Pan. While it was published some time back, I still find the simplicity and composability of the primitives in the book chapter very compelling. I've previously implemented some of these concepts in Scala (perhaps a blog post for another time), but recently I thought I'd see if I could express some of the concepts in Rust and, hopefully, learn some Rust in the process. So this post is intended to be the first in a series that will explore how to encode the functional image synthesis and processing concepts described in the Functional Images book chapter using Rust.

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What is an image?

This seemingly simple question typically yields an array of answers, usually including some mention of 2D/3D arrays or matrices--that's precisely what came to mind when I first thought about the question. It turns out there's a simpler and more elegant way to represent images: A function that takes a set of coordinates and produces a pixel value. In Haskell, it looks something like this:

type Coord = (Float, Float)
type Img a = Coord -> a

Img represents a mapping from a coordinate (Coord) to a pixel value a, where Coord is just an alias for a Tuple of floating point numbers that represent a coordinate in a continuous 2D space. There are a couple of essential concepts embedded in this definition that are worth calling out. First, the definition is polymorphic over the pixel type (i.e., it's some type a), which means we're not committing to a concrete representation for pixels yet. Second, coordinates are in a continuous space, which is entirely different from representing images as 2D arrays/matrices with discrete coordinates.

Expressing Img in Rust

TL;DR: I had a few issues finding an appropriate way to express the notion of an Img<A> in Rust initially. Traits along with the recently added impl Trait were what I landed on. Skip ahead if you aren't interested in the details of how I worked my way towards that.

Can we express this in Rust? Rust supports anonymous functions via closures, which have an instance of the Fn trait (or typeclass). I naively assumed that Fn(Coord) -> A might be the type of a closure and, since rust also supports type aliases, I tried to create a type alias for Fn(Coord) -> A, similar to the Haskell implementation:

type Coord = (f32, f32);
type Img<A> = Fn(Coord) -> A;

The code block above doesn't actually compile because one can't alias traits in Rust, but there's a more general problem here: Fn(Coord) -> A is a trait (or type bound) rather than a type. Whatever type does represent Img<A>, needs to satisfy this bound/constraint (i.e., the type should have an instance of Fn(Coord) -> A), but it is not a type itself. I don't want to get too deep into all my initial misconceptions about closures in Rust, so I'll cut a long story short: every closure in Rust has a different type, and it's difficult to refer to the type without Boxing the closure--something we'd like to avoid. Aliasing a closure is, therefore, a bit of a dead-end.

Rust recently added the ability to return an anonymous implementation of a trait using impl Trait. Thus, we can create a trait that extends Fn(Coord) -> A and use this as a type bound on functions that accept or produce images. Put another way, for a type to fulfil the Img<A> type bound, it should also fulfil the Fn(Coord) -> A constraint.

type Coord = (f32, f32);

trait Img<A> : Fn(Coord) -> A {}
impl <F, A> Img<A> for F where F: Fn(Coord) -> A {}

If you're not familiar with Rust that might look a little intimidating, so let's break it down. In the second line, we declare a new trait Img<A> that extends Fn(Coord) -> A. In line 3, we provide a mechanism to lift any function that satisfies the constraint Fn(Coord) -> A to an Img<A>.

Image regions

Now that we have a representation for Img, we can express another type featured in the Functional Images book chapter: Region. Region's, an alias for type Img<bool>, represent a mask where the pixel value, a boolean, denotes whether that pixel falls inside the region or not.

trait Region : Img<bool> {}
impl <F> Region for F where F: Fn(Coord) -> bool {}

Let's create a few example Regions from the book to get a feel for what it's like to synthesise images using this API. Note, we'll see how to render bitmaps for an Img a little later in the post, but for now, just assume we can produce an image from an Img. vstrip defines an infinite vertical band centred on the y-axis of the image:

pub fn vstrip() -> impl Region {
    |(x, _y): Coord| x.abs() <= 0.5

Vertical strip

Another example is checker (one of my personal favourites):

pub fn checker() -> impl Region {
    |(x, y): Coord| ((x.floor() + y.floor()) as u32).is_even()


We can also define a function that produces alternating rings around the origin of the image:

pub fn dist_o(c: Coord) -> f32 {
    let (x, y) = c;
    (x * x + y * y).sqrt()

pub fn alt_rings() -> impl Region {
    |p| (dist_o(p).floor() as i32).is_even()

Alternating rings

dist_o simply calculates the distance of a Coord from the origin, i.e., Coord(0.0, 0.0), and alt_rings just checks whether the floor of a coordinates distance from the origin is an even number to determine whether the coordinate belongs to the Region.

One thing worth emphasising in the vstrip, checker and alt_rings examples is that they all define unbounded (or infinite) images. We can render any part of a potentially infinitely large image at any resolution by simply sampling 'pixel' values across the region we want at a frequency we specify. Using a function to represent images is quite different from the traditional approach of representing images as multidimensional arrays of discrete pixel values. Note, however, that we can easily recover the bounded and discretised representation of an image by sampling our continuous space at discrete coordinates. We'll come back to this when we talk about rendering images.

For certain image processing operations, it’s more convenient to reference spatial locations in an image using a Polar coordinate system rather than the typical cartesian coordinate system. In a polar coordinate system, we define a coordinate by their distance (or radius) and angle from the origin. We can create a type to represent polar coordinates and some functions to transform a cartesian coordinate to its polar form and back again:

pub type Polar = (f32, f32);

pub fn to_polar(c: Coord) -> Polar {
    let (x, y) = c;
    (dist_o(c), y.atan2(x))

pub fn from_polar(polar: Polar) -> Coord {
    let (p, theta) = polar;
    (p * theta.cos(), p * theta.sin())

Note that, similar to our Coord type, the Polar type is really just an alias for a Tuple2 of f32s.

The superpower of representing Img as a function is that it possesses all the properties of a function, like composition! The Rust stdlib doesn't provide a function for composing closures; however, this is relatively straight forward to implement:

pub fn compose<A, B, C, F, G>(f: F, g: G) -> impl Fn(A) -> C + Copy
    F: Fn(B) -> C + Copy,
    G: Fn(A) -> B + Copy,
    move |x| f(g(x))

As in the Functional Images book chapter, we can start to synthesise some interesting images by composing Imgs with functions that transform coordinates input coordinates or output values. An example given in the book is polarChecker (called polar_checker here), which creates a polar checkerboard.

pub fn polar_checker(n: i32) -> impl Region {
    let sc = move |polar: Polar| -> Polar {
        let (p, theta) = polar;
        (p, theta * (n as f32 / PI))
    compose(checker(), compose(sc, to_polar))

Polar Checkerboard

Drawing Img's

Before we finish up this post, I'd like to digress for a moment into how we render a bitmap (e.g., those above) for our abstract Img representation—after all, the beauty of an image lies in seeing it. Instead of writing logic for encoding different image formats, we're just going to make use an existing library to do it. The crew at PistonDevelopers have published a nice image processing library called image that can encode a variety of image formats, including png and jpeg. I'll leave the deep dive into image as an exercise for the reader; however, it's worth pointing out a couple of important structures and functions we'll be using. ImageBuffer is one of the internal representations for images in image, and the function from_fn let's one create an ImageBuffer from a function that accepts the x and y coordinates of the image; this maps nicely to the Fn(Coord) -> A representation of Img.

For the sake of simplicity, we'll focus on rendering binary Img's, i.e. Img<bool>, for purposes of this post; rendering grayscale and colour images uses a similar pattern. The image library denotes grayscale pixels with the Luma type and only officially supports a single underlying datatype, u8, so our target output type needs to be ImageBuffer<Luma<u8>>. Given the input type Region is an Img<bool>, our render function needs to convert the pixels to u8 and then scale our bool value across the dynamic range, such that false = 0 and true = 255:

type Vector = (f32, f32);

fn render<F: Region>(
    im: F,
    width: u32,
    height: u32,
    origin: Vector,
    pixel_size: Vector,
) -> ImageBuffer<Luma<u8>, Vec<u8>> {
    let (pw, ph) = pixel_size;
    let (ox, oy) = origin;
    image::ImageBuffer::from_fn(width, height, |x, y| {
        let pixel = im((x as f32 * pw - ox, y as f32 * ph - oy)) as u8;
        image::Luma([pixel * 255])

The render function takes a number of input parameters:

  • im -- Img to render
  • width, height -- Desired size of render output image (pixels)
  • origin -- Location or offset of the origin (in continuous space) relative to the top left of the rendered image.
  • pixel_size -- Sampling frequency or size of each discrete pixel in the continuous coordinate space. This is the inverse of DPI.

Concluding remarks

Rust's closures and impl trait provide a reasonably elegant mechanism to express the functional image synthesis and processing concepts detailed in the Functional Images chapter of the Fun of Programming Book. We can express a lot more of the concepts in that chapter, and in future posts, I hope to walk through how to encode and render grayscale and colour images, perform image transformations (e.g., crop, scale, rotate etc.), apply image filters, do algebra on regions, and render bitmaps images.